1139 Market Street, South Side Of Market, Between 7th And 8th Streets
San Francisco CA 94102
1139 Market Street, South Side Of Market, Between 7th And 8th Streets
San Francisco CA 94102
ErrorException [ Warning ]: mkdir(): Permission denied
COREPATH/classes/log.php @ line 114:
113: $old = umask(0);
114: mkdir($filepath, octdec(\Config::get('file.chmod.folders', 0777)), true);
115: chmod($filepath, octdec(\Config::get('file.chmod.folders', 0777)));
ErrorException [ Warning ]: chmod(): No such file or directory
COREPATH/classes/log.php @ line 115:
114: mkdir($filepath, octdec(\Config::get('file.chmod.folders', 0777)), true);
115: chmod($filepath, octdec(\Config::get('file.chmod.folders', 0777)));
116: umask($old);
ErrorException [ Warning ]: mkdir(): Permission denied
COREPATH/classes/log.php @ line 114:
113: $old = umask(0);
114: mkdir($filepath, octdec(\Config::get('file.chmod.folders', 0777)), true);
115: chmod($filepath, octdec(\Config::get('file.chmod.folders', 0777)));
ErrorException [ Warning ]: chmod(): No such file or directory
COREPATH/classes/log.php @ line 115:
114: mkdir($filepath, octdec(\Config::get('file.chmod.folders', 0777)), true);
115: chmod($filepath, octdec(\Config::get('file.chmod.folders', 0777)));
116: umask($old);