The Mall At Green Hills 2126 Abbott Martin Road
Nashville TN 37215
615 823 8980
The Mall At Green Hills 2126 Abbott Martin Road
Nashville TN 37215
615 823 8980
ErrorException [ Warning ]: mkdir(): Permission denied
COREPATH/classes/log.php @ line 114:
113: $old = umask(0);
114: mkdir($filepath, octdec(\Config::get('file.chmod.folders', 0777)), true);
115: chmod($filepath, octdec(\Config::get('file.chmod.folders', 0777)));
ErrorException [ Warning ]: chmod(): No such file or directory
COREPATH/classes/log.php @ line 115:
114: mkdir($filepath, octdec(\Config::get('file.chmod.folders', 0777)), true);
115: chmod($filepath, octdec(\Config::get('file.chmod.folders', 0777)));
116: umask($old);
ErrorException [ Warning ]: mkdir(): Permission denied
COREPATH/classes/log.php @ line 114:
113: $old = umask(0);
114: mkdir($filepath, octdec(\Config::get('file.chmod.folders', 0777)), true);
115: chmod($filepath, octdec(\Config::get('file.chmod.folders', 0777)));
ErrorException [ Warning ]: chmod(): No such file or directory
COREPATH/classes/log.php @ line 115:
114: mkdir($filepath, octdec(\Config::get('file.chmod.folders', 0777)), true);
115: chmod($filepath, octdec(\Config::get('file.chmod.folders', 0777)));
116: umask($old);